aku bosan untuk terus hidup. apa kau nak buat? aku nak mati.
biar aku lompat bangunan kedai lama ni. biar aku jatuh dan mati sekaligus. biar aku tamat kan cerita ini. aku tak nampak dia ada. dia ada sepanjang aku mengeluh membebel merungut. aku jerit AKU MAHU MATI! HIDUP MACAM BABI! AKU MAHU TERJUN SEKARANG! dan hati aku sudah kental dan aku sudah siap siap untuk lompat.
tapi dia kata, jangan.
Angel of mercy
How did you find me?
Where did you read my story?
Pulled from the papers
Desperate and hardened
seeking a moment every fix
How did you find me?
Where did you read my story?
Pulled from the papers
Desperate and hardened
seeking a moment every fix
aku : kenapa?
dia : dunia butuh kau
aku : dunia tak kenal aku
dia : tapi aku kenal kau
aku : aku tak kenal kau
dia : aku tahu kau
All I wanted to say
All I wanted to do
Is fall apart now
All I wanted to feel
I wanted to love
Its all my fault now
A Tradegy I fear
All I wanted to do
Is fall apart now
All I wanted to feel
I wanted to love
Its all my fault now
A Tradegy I fear
aku : kau siapa?
dia : malaikat *senyum*
Angel of mercy
How did you find me?
How did you pick me up again?
Angel mercy
How did you move me?
Why am I on my feet again?
And I see you
How did you find me?
How did you pick me up again?
Angel mercy
How did you move me?
Why am I on my feet again?
And I see you
aku : bohong! karut!
dia : *ketawa*
aku : kenapa kau ketawa?
dia : kerana kau bodoh.
aku : bodoh? untuk alasan apa?
dia : bodoh untuk mati secepat ini tanpa kau hidup beberapa tahun lagi dan berkahwin dan mempunyai anak. waktu itu kau akan terfikir kau juga bodoh saat ini.
Before just the daylight
Come and i stand by
Waiting to catch the quickest plane
Flying to nowhere
Is better than somewhere
That’s where i’ve been and nothing’s changed
Come and i stand by
Waiting to catch the quickest plane
Flying to nowhere
Is better than somewhere
That’s where i’ve been and nothing’s changed
aku : aku menyerah dengan hidup ini
dia : awal lagi untuk menyerah
aku : kerana?
dia : aku cinta kau
aku : huh?
dia : untuk 10 tahun belakang ini aku sudah cintai kau. sepanjang kau bermasalah dan menjerit meluahkan masalah kau di sini aku sudah cintai kau.
Angel of mercy
How did you find me?
How did you pick me up again?
Into the mercy
How did you move me?
Why am I on my feet again?
How did you find me?
How did you pick me up again?
Into the mercy
How did you move me?
Why am I on my feet again?
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