: : hazreemahazianysarani ♥ : :

[ inihalusinasisaye.okey♥ ]

[bukan nama sebenar]. seorang perempuan awal kedewasaan. membenci perempuan berdahi licin. David Archuleta bukan dalam kategori Lelaki Pilihan. bermuka seriyes dan sombong. bengis bukan perkataan yang tepat. genius menulis? sama sekali tidak. loser yang sangat narsis. sentiasa bersuhu badan tinggi. berubah mood bila cuaca sejuk. salah seorang penutur kata kata kesat paling berjaya. lebih gemar berkurung dalam bilik. berkulit pucat. 158cm dan 47kg. cuba cuba menangkap bayang bayang sendiri. menangis bila diserang senggugut.

21 October 2011



Fun to be with
Loves to try new things
Boy/girls LOVE you
You are very HOTTTTTT
Difficult to fathom and to be understood
Quiet unless excited or tensed
Takesrep pride in oneself
Has reputation
Easily consoled
Concerned about people's feelings
Emotional temperamental and unpredictable
Moody and easily hurt
Witty and sparkly
Spazzy at times
Note revengeful
Forgiving but never forgets
Dislikes nonsensical and unnecessary things
Guides others physically and mentally
Sensitives and forms impressions carefully
Caring and loving
Treats others equally
Strong sense of sympathy
Wary and sharp
Judges people through observations
No difficulties in studying
Loves to be alone
Always broods about the past and the old friends
Waits for friends
Never looks for friends
Not aggressive unless provoked
Loves to be loved
Easily hurt but takes long to recover


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